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haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue


SourcesNames Used
CCLE, GDSC1000, CTRPv2haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue
GDSC1000Blood, pleural effusion, lymphoma, blood
gCSILymphoid, Bone Marrow, Lymph Node
PharmacoGx haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue
Number of cell lines of haematopoietic andlymphoid tissue per dataset020406080100120140160180# cell lines GRAYUHNBreastFIMMgCSICTRPv2CCLEGDSC10000017116165188198
Number of compounds tested withhaematopoietic and lymphoid tissue celllines050100150200250300350400450500# compounds GRAYUHNBreastgCSICCLEFIMMGDSC1000CTRPv200162452250544