Top compounds associated with response to CCIN

Feature Type Standardized
Nominal ANOVA
mRNA TAK-715 GDSC1000 pan-cancer AAC -0.00029 1
mRNA BRD-K28456706 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.00014 1
mRNA navitoclax:piperlongumine (1:1 mol/mol) CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC -0.00012 1
mRNA GW843682X GDSC1000 pan-cancer AAC 0.0001 1
mRNA Gefitinib GDSC1000 pan-cancer AAC -5.2e-05 1
mRNA tubastatin A GDSC1000 pan-cancer AAC 3.8e-05 1
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