709 compounds have been tested with this tissue, using data from 4 dataset(s).
MS-275 gCSI, CTRPv2, GDSC1000 43
Bortezomib gCSI, CTRPv2, GDSC1000 43
tipifarnib CTRPv2 42
etoposide GDSC1000, CTRPv2 42
AZD7762 GDSC1000, CTRPv2 41
piperlongumine GDSC1000, CTRPv2 41
Axitinib GDSC1000, CTRPv2 41
temozolomide GDSC1000, CTRPv2 41
ABT-888 GDSC1000, CTRPv2 41
SNX-2112 GDSC1000, CTRPv2 41
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