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Compound 7d-cis


SourcesNames Used
CTRPv2Compound 7d-cis
PharmacoGx Compound 7d-cis

Annotated Targets


FDA Approval Status

Not Approved
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Top molecular features associated with response to Compound 7d-cis

Feature TypeStandardized
Nominal ANOVA
mRNA LGALS3 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC -0.14 0.0008
mRNA RP11-507K12.1 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC -0.13 0.0008
mRNA LL0XNC01-16G2.1 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.12 0.0008
mRNA RNASE3 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC -0.12 0.0008
mRNA VMP1 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC -0.13 0.0008
mRNA MAFA CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.13 0.0008
mRNA ZNF93 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.13 0.0008
mRNA IRAK1BP1 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.13 0.0008
mRNA FOXD4L6 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.12 0.0008
mRNA SELV CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.12 0.0008
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