Compounds tested with HCC1569

438 compounds have been tested with this cell line, using data from 4 dataset(s).
navitoclax:pluripotin (1:1 mol/mol) CTRPv2 1
GSK525762A CTRPv2 1
SB-743921 CTRPv2 1
BRD-K35604418 CTRPv2 1
BRD-K07442505 CTRPv2 1
BMS-195614 CTRPv2 1
navitoclax:gemcitabine (1:1 mol/mol) CTRPv2 1
navitoclax:MST-312 (1:1 mol/mol) CTRPv2 1
tanespimycin:bortezomib (250:1 mol/mol) CTRPv2 1
selumetinib:piperlongumine (8:1 mol/mol) CTRPv2 1
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