Cell lines tested with Talazoparib

959 cell lines have been tested with this compound, using data from 1 dataset(s).
JIMT-1 breast GDSC1000 1
BL-70 haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue GDSC1000 1
OPM-2 haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue GDSC1000 1
PE01 ovary GDSC1000 1
CTV-1 haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue GDSC1000 1
NB10 autonomic ganglia GDSC1000 1
JVM-3 haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue GDSC1000 1
MKN45 stomach GDSC1000 1
TGW autonomic ganglia GDSC1000 1
PA-TU-8902 pancreas GDSC1000 1
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