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isonicotinohydroxamic acid


SourcesNames Used
CTRPv2isonicotinohydroxamic acid
PharmacoGx isonicotinohydroxamic acid

External IDs

Smiles: ONC(=O)c1ccncc1
Pubchem: 72967

Annotated Targets


FDA Approval Status

Not Approved
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Top molecular features associated with response to isonicotinohydroxamic acid

Feature TypeStandardized
Nominal ANOVA
mRNA PEG10 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.096 0.04
mRNA DEFB105B CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.092 0.04
mRNA TARS CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.093 0.04
mRNA RPRD2 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.098 0.04
mRNA OMG CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.11 0.04
mRNA VIP CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.095 0.04
mRNA PDZD4 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.11 0.04
mRNA HIST1H1D CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC -0.095 0.04
mRNA GALNT8 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.095 0.04
mRNA GRIK3 CTRPv2 pan-cancer AAC 0.097 0.04
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