Compounds tested with UACC-812

324 compounds have been tested with this cell line, using data from 4 dataset(s).
AZD7762 CTRPv2 1
erlotinib:PLX-4032 (2:1 mol/mol) CTRPv2 1
KW-2449 CTRPv2 1
NVP-231 CTRPv2 1
elocalcitol CTRPv2 1
vorinostat:navitoclax (4:1 mol/mol) CTRPv2 1
navitoclax:sorafenib (1:1 mol/mol) CTRPv2 1
BRD-A02303741:carboplatin (1:1 mol/mol) CTRPv2 1
UNC0638:navitoclax (1:1 mol/mol) CTRPv2 1
BRD-A02303741:navitoclax (2:1 mol/mol) CTRPv2 1
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